
The China Information Company

At the Q-Wine Fair in Qingtian …

11 bis 18 November, 2023

Anthology … On The Tide

Focusing on current issues, the book is composed of a collection of the transcripts of the online forums organized by Urban Forum and SINOPRESS in the past two-three years, enriched by a dozen essays by experts of related fields – dealing e.g. with topics such as modern warfare & urban security, Human Security in the Post-Pandemic Digital Age, Sport vs. Politics, The Role of NGOs in the Process of Human Civilization etc.

Why “On the Tide”?
The world is on the tide, said Publisher Helena Mundstein, full of uncertainty for humanity. Ideological conflicts between East and West continue to escalate, leading to human rights issues, wars and refugees, terrorist attacks, economic shortages, and potential political stigma. A sudden pandemic only adds salt to the wound and ensures that geopolitical considerations gain a more decisive role in governments’ foreign policies. Meanwhile, the challenge of climate change, as well as the impact of social media and AI, are all key issues in reshaping the world, for better or worse.

Publisher: Helena C. Mundstein
Preface by Heinz Fischer
Contribution on the topic of international women’s rights by Alice Schmatzberger

Published September @ Urban Future Edition
ISBN: 978 3 200 09106 1

Interview with Alice Schmatzberger

Magazine Augustin, May 2022.

Details: Lokalmatadorin (in German language)

Book release …
Mehr als Mozart & Mao!

When Dr Hugo Portisch wanted to travel to China in 1964 as editor-in-chief of the daily newspaper Kurier, there was only one Chinese embassy in continental Europe – and it was based in neutral Switzerland. Switzerland had already established diplomatic relations with the then still young People’s Republic of China in September 1950. And Austria? For reasons of occupation policy, it had to wait until this step was taken by the four State Treaty powers.

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Austrian-Chinese diplomatic relations in 2021, ChinaCultureDesk conceived the oral history project “50 Years – 50 Conversations”: 50 interview conversations with Austrian and Chinese personalities with many years of experience in the other country will be conducted and published. The interviewees come from the fields of art & culture, media, science & research and business.  The diversity of these subjective voices results in an overall picture of the multi-layered realities in the respective countries – and this beyond the often clichéd media coverage.

Publisher: Morawa-Verlag, November 2021.
Order: here 
Comment in Wiener_Zeitung (pdf), 15 November 2021

Book presentation: 9 November 2021
ArtLounge Café Korb, 1010 Vienna 

Supported by Austrian Cultural Forum Beijing