
The China Information Company


Panel moderation on the occasion of the presentation of the book “On the tide” (see Startseite). Blauer Salon des Palais Niederösterreich, Vienna. September 2023.

The project Vienna.China.Town is dedicated to reveal Chinese historical, architectural, as well as cultural traces in Vienna. In the long-term we intend to develop a kind of a city-archive of Chinese culture in Vienna. Details: here. Since 2022.

Interview for the magazine “Augustin” within its series “lokalmatador:in” on the occasion of the book release „Mehr als Mozart und Mao! Alltagsgeschichten aus Österreich und China“; Augustin N°. 552. May 2022.

Book “Mehr als Mozart & Mao!”
An Oral-History Projekt on the occasion of 50 years of diplomatic relations between Austria and China in 2021. A series of 50 interviews featuring renowned personalities from science and technology, economy, media, art and culture. Interviews: June 2020 – July 2021. Book by Alice Schmatzberger, published by Buchschmiede (formerly Morawa). November 2021.

Sinopress & Urban Forum
Moderation of international Online Foren for SINOPRESS & URBAN FORUM. Since 2021.

China 21-Talks
Regular events on recent topics and developments concerning China and the world in the 21st century. Since 2014.

All talks: here
