
The China Information Company

TOP 10!

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Are there Chinese artists represented in international auction sales? Of course! How many of them are among the Top Ten? You won´t believe it: 5 out of 10! And you may be staggered by the names…



The most recent ranking by according to auction sales in 2012:

1)    Andy Warhol, € 239.000.000
2)    Zhang Daqian, € 207.900.000
3)    Pablo Picasso, € 207.200.000
4)    Qi Baishi, € 195.600.000

6)    Xu Beihong, € 127.500.000
7)    Li Keran, € 121.000.000

10) Fu Baoshi, € 110.100.000

Art Market 2012_enArtprice´ report “The Art market in 2012 – A Dialogue between East and West” focusing on China´s art market, describing China´s specific collection culture, shows numbers for Chinese auction houses, gives details in Chinese Top Ten painters in 2012 (all of them already deceased!) und last not least features an interesting interview addressing questions such as “How does the Western art market view the development of Contemporary Chinese works in ink and wash?” , “Can you help Westerners better understand how and artwork and its financial value are related in China” or “What is the Chinese market’s best asset?“

Further bits:
Previous blog-post on rankings “Who´s the best?“.
Report “the_art_market2012_online_en” (pdf).
atprice: art market insight.

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